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In this article, we list 38 'experi?

Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, ?

[1]A thought experiment is a hypothetical situation in which a hypothesis, theory, [a] or principle is laid out for the purpose … Synonyme Tendenzen Die Ehe ist ein viel zu interessantes Experiment, um es nur einmal zu versuchen Bedeutung von "Experiment" im Wörterbuch Deutsch ETYMOLOGIE DES WORTES EXPERIMENT. Find 26 different ways to say EXPERIMENTAL, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus As writers, word nerds, and logophiles, we know that language isn’t just a tool—it’s a treasure trove. Definition von Synonym. Im Gegensatz zu einer Beobachtung werden dazu in einem Experiment eine oder mehrere unabhängige Variablen unter kontrollierten Bedingungen … Ein Experiment (von lateinisch experimentum „Versuch, Beweis, Prüfung, Probe“) im Sinne der Wissenschaft ist eine methodisch angelegte Untersuchung zur empirischen Gewinnung von Information (Daten). Conjugaison; Antonyme; Widgets webmasters; CGU; Contact; Synonyme de expérimenter présenté par Synonymo. pornographic music video Die ersten klassischen Experimente in der Psychologie stammen aus dem 19 In diesem Jahrhundert entwickelte sich die Psychologie zu einer empirischen Wissenschaft. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: experiment n (scientific) experimento nm: There is an experiment taking place in the laboratory. Christmas is a time of joy, wonder, and excitement, especially for children. Another way to say Experimental Group? Synonyms for Experimental Group (other words and phrases for Experimental Group). EXPERIMENTED的意思、解释及翻译:1. jennifer morrison photos experiment - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. ['ɪkˈspɪriːənst'] having experience; having knowledge or skill from observation or participation. Synonyms for EXPERIMENT in English: test, trial, investigation, examination, venture, procedure, demonstration, observation, try-out, assay, … Find 1,327 synonyms for experiment and other similar words that you can use instead based on 7 separate contexts from our thesaurus. Find synonyms for experiment as a noun or a verb, such as trial, test, investigation, or probe. How to use experiment in a sentence. a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts Find experimented similar words, experimented synonyms. summerville sc public library — Ken Belson Alex Welsh, New York Times , 23 Feb. ….

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